
I'm Nahuel, and these are my work experiences, ideas and thoughts as a web developer working on the eCommerce industry.

Add related posts to Ghost blog

Add related posts to Ghost blog

The related posts are quite easy to add to Ghost if you have some basic knowledge on how to edit your current theme (there's no option to turning this ON and OFF on the Admin, unfortunately, so you must do it on the theme itself).

If you open your theme's files you would see a post.hbs template which is the one for the articles (for "this page you are seeing right now", basically), and the block expression {{#post}}...{{/post}} would be the one containing everything related to the post itself.

Outside that expression, after it, we want to add the related posts taking advantage of the {{#get}} helper.

{{#get}} is a special block helper that makes a custom query to the Ghost API to fetch publicly available data.

get documentation for Functional Helpers by Ghost

Clearly, you can use this helper to get the related posts anywhere you want, like on the sidebar of the blog if yours have one, or in a page instead of a post (but I personally like them at the end of an article).

Let's say you would like to get a list of related posts based on the tags of the current one, which can be done by filtering the data on the filter attribute.

{{#get "posts" filter="tags:[{{post.tags}}]+id:-{{}}" as |related|}}

In this case the filter attribute also contains id:-{{}} to ignore, from the list of posts we are getting, the current article (we wouldn't want to suggest as related post the same post the user just read).

You can add as many filters as you want using the + sign as separator.

Inside this helper, the related "object" will be the one containing all the related post, so you just need to "loop it".

{{#get "posts" filter="tags:[{{post.tags}}]+id:-{{}}" as |related|}}
    <div class="related-posts-wrapper">
        {{#foreach related}}
            <article class="{{post_class}}">
                <a href="{{url}}">{{title}}</a>

Once inside the foreach you are in the context of the post, and then you can just get whatever you want from that post such as the {{url}}, {{title}, etcetera.

You can limit how many post to show by using the limit attribute on the {{#get}} helper (15 by default, which seems like too much)

{{#get "posts" limit="2" filter="tags:[{{post.tags}}]+id:-{{}}" as |related|}}

The related posts can be anything you like and you would like to consider as related posts, as you are not limited to that filter for the tags I used as an example.

I'm currently using tags:[{{post.primary_tag.slug}}] within the filters to only consider those posts that have the primary tag of the current post as a tag in any position, as I think those posts would be more relevant to the current one.

{{#get "posts" filter="tags:[{{post.primary_tag.slug}}]+id:-{{}}" as |related|}}

This is not the same as using primary_tag:{{post.primary_tag.slug}} which is another filter option, in this case to get only those posts that their primary tag is the same as the current post (there's a slightly difference).

Optionally, you can use the featured:true filter option to get those posts that are checked as featured within the Admin.

{{#get "posts" filter="tags:[{{post.tags}}]+featured:true+id:-{{}}" as |related|}}

If you have multiple writers in your blog and you want to show related posts where the current author also participates you can use the authors:{{post.primary_author.slug}} option within the filters.

{{#get "posts" filter="authors:{{post.primary_author.slug}}+id:-{{}}" as |related|}}

This is different than using primary_author:{{post.primary_author.slug}} where we are filtering by those posts where the primary author is the same.

Refer to the get documentation on Ghost for more ideas on how to filter.

Lazyload post Feature Image from Unsplash in Ghost

Lazyload post Feature Image from Unsplash in Ghost

Unsplash is a great Ghost built-in integration that allows you to quickly add an image to your posts, and I personally use it every time to add the Feature Image to all my articles (the big one below the title, before the content).

Unfortunately, out of the box the image from Unsplash is really big (2000px wide) and impacts on the page speed of the site since the browser will download the image first then continue with the rest of the page.

There's no much we can do about the image size as we can't follow the "How to use responsive images in Ghost themes" official guide because that only applies to images you manually upload and not those coming from third-parties...

Dynamic image sizes are not compatible with externally hosted images. If you insert images from Unsplash or you store your image files on a third party storage adapter then the image url returned will be determined by the external source.

...but with a little bit of HTML and JavaScript we can lazy load them to prioritize the content over the image download.

Usually, the Feature Image in the Ghost theme will look something like:

<img src="{{feature_image}}" />

This is a classic img tag with the src containing the URL of the image. But we need to do some changes here first before moving to the JS side of this technique.

In the src we are going to put a placeholder image to avoid having a broken image while the rest of the page loads, we are going to move the actual image to the data-src attribute, and finally we'll add a new class to the element.

<img src="{{asset "images/placeholder.png"}}" data-src="{{feature_image}}" class="lazyload" />

The placeholder image should be a small image in terms of weight. I'm using an image with a solid colour of 183 bytes so I can "reserve" the space of the final Feature Image to avoid "jumps" in the browser while everything loads.

Finally, the JS is quite simple. We need to wait for the window to be loaded, get all the img elements with the lazyload class, and replace the src with what's on the data-src so we trigger the actual image download.

window.addEventListener('load', (event) => {
    let images = document.getElementsByClassName('lazyload');

    for (let i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
        images[i].src = images[i].dataset.src;

With this in place we should see that the content is prioritized over the Unsplash image, and if we are using a placeholder we should see that first in the "Network" tab of our browser's DevTools, with the actual image loading later.

A blank Ghost blog theme for development

A blank Ghost blog theme for development

This blogs runs on the Ghost platform built with Node.js, with a homemade theme that uses Handlebars, HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and if you are reading this article chances are that you're already a Ghost blog owner and that you're looking to develop your own theme.

The problem with the Ghost default theme named Casper, while it's extremely helpful to learn how to develop a custom Ghost theme, is that it is too complex or "it has too many things" you probably don't want for your blog.

For example, when creating the theme for this blog, I had to "deconstruct" Casper to start building on top of the ashes because I wanted a more simple theme, that has my own code wrote the way I wanted it.

Introducing the Pale Ghost blank theme

The Pale Ghost theme is a blank theme, developer ready, focused on the markup without styles, that already includes all the Ghost features for you to customize or remove in order to create your own theme.

I already searched for Ghost blank themes, and truth be told there are many out there, but none suits my desires. All the blank themes I encounter has too much JavaScript, or they are too much complex to the point they looses they purpose of being a blank theme.

This blank theme in particular is very simple, so you might be spending time in the styling part with CSS/SASS/LESS rather than working on the markup. And if you want to move stuff around, you'll find it's easy with the Pale Ghost theme as it is well deconstructed into different .hbs files for an easy development.

It also includes everything a Ghost theme can deliver, just as Casper, but with a simple implementation. The goal with this theme is to avoid the part where we as developers smack things down before actually building up.

For a more technical description of what this blank theme includes you can check the Pale Ghost theme's GitHub page.


You can download this blank Ghost theme from the Pale Ghost theme's GitHub page, where you'll find the "Releases" section.