Is VTEX showing the name from the Product in the Admin? Or is it showing the name we entered in the SKU? Or is it showing both?... or why sometimes it seems like VTEX is using the Product name and in other occasions it is using the SKU name?
In other words, what's the name I'm going to see in the front end of my VTEX store when creating a new product?
I'm writing this down because I found there's always a confusion about what is VTEX showing as a name for a product when looking at it in the front end (like in a category or product's page) considering there's a tricky logic there that involves the Product entity and the SKU.
Product entity name and SKU name?
To avoid any misunderstanding, let's discuss first what I mean by "Product entity name" and what I'm talking about when referring to the "SKU name".
When I say "product's name" we all think about a product as a whole, the item itself and the name that item has. But a product in VTEX is divided into two thing: The Product (or the Product entity) and the SKUs included on that Product.
I know I might sound philosophical and delusional but just take a look at this screenshot so I explain myself better.
Is our site showing the name from the first column or from the second one?
Which one is going to appear on the front end of the VTEX store?
It just depends on this simple logic you need to consider.
If the Product entity name is exactly the same as the SKU name, then VTEX will show only one. Take a look at the screenshot above where the names in both columns are identical, meaning the front end will only show "iPhone X 64GB Silver".
On the other hand, if the name in the Product is different from the name in the SKU, then VTEX will show the two names separated by a dash (-
For example, if for the Product we have "iPhone X 64GB" and for the SKU we have just "Silver", then the result on the front end it is going to be "iPhone X 64GB - Silver". That simple.
Knowing that, if you're facing the "problem" in VTEX with the front end showing the names "duplicated" or if you didn't understand from where that final name is coming... now you know.
Keeping both the Product and SKU with the exacly same text (not even a difference in the capital letters) will show only one name, no dash.